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Chemistry is one of
the lessons that are considered difficult to be understood by students. This
causes students become unattractive in studying chemistry. In order to
understand the chemistry conceptually, it takes the ability to represent and
interpret problems and chemistry phenomena into a representation form
macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic simultaneously. The minimal use of media
and methods in teaching chemistry can decrease the interest and motivation of students
to understand and mastery the chemistry. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the relationship between media use animation with the results of studying
chemistry, the relationship between motivation with the results of studying
chemistry and to know the relationship between the application of media
learning animation and motivation towards the results of studying chemistry
class XI IPA MAN 2 kota Bengkulu. The application of media learning animation
at class XI IPA MAN 2 kota Bengkulu have a significant influence on the result
of studying with Pearson correlation value of 0.784 or 78.4% and a significance
level of 0,000. the application of media learning animation has a significant
positive correlation to the results of studying chemistry. Based on research
results exhibited a relationship
between motivation with the result of learning. The relationship is obvious
from the acquisitions of data analysis the correlation value is greater
motivation than r table (0.475> 0.235). Judging from the value of
significance, motivation to learn has a positive correlation to the results of
learning with a value of significance 0.000. Thus the motivation to learn has a
significant relationship to the results of studying with Pearson correlation
0.470, or 47.0%. The results also indicate that
the use of learning media animation and motivation to contribute jointly and
significant impact on learning outcomes. From the results of regression
analysis of variance ANOVA F = 62.973 obtained value with confidence level of
5% then Fcount 62.973> Ftable 0.05. Based on research results, it can
be concluded that there is a fairly strong and significant correlation between
motivation to learn the results of studying chemistry. There is a strong and
significant relationship between the use of instructional media animation with
the results of studying chemistry and there is a relationship together are
quite strong and significant correlation between motivation to learn and use
instructional media animation on learning outcomes chemistry class XI IPA Man 2
The city of Bengkulu.
animation, learning outcomes, instructional media chemistry, motivation.